Well i guess my madam did love us a lot ;'). Another task, guys. And i'm doing good hehehe. Just kidding, madam.
i love you madam heheh
So this time i'm back because i need to share with you about what i did last time in the class. Well, at first my madam gave us a piece of paper. She said, she will read a few texts from her book and we need to take notes about that topic. I wish i could upload my miserable note in here however i lost it without i realize it.
i'm sorry madam hajar
So from that task, we could see types of people taking notes with a lot of our own creativity :'). And mine was just a few sentences because i am the type who need to look at something and the copy it in my paper. Not just listen to it because i'm the one who can easily focus on something. Then, my madam did ask us to do some research about cornell system. Taking notes by using cornell system.

cornell system format
the example
Honestly, for me... if you are the one that love systematical way of taking notes. I think this type will suit you the best however, for me... i love to have my own way. I love sketches and colourful notes. So this system is not suitable for me. Heh.

Then, we also was given a task about memory improving concentration. And like usual, i did a mind map. Not using a cornell system but this is my style ;) And i love it.

this is what i did :)

I guess this is all from me for now. Thank you for reading and don't forget to leave a comment as always mehhh... ;)
Farewell, guys!


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